We are

City Women

Making Toowoomba a better place
for women and girls.

City Women is about making our city a better place for women and girls.

It’s about building unity amongst women from different Christian denominations who are called to action and responsibility to bring about positive change and outcomes for their community.


We are called to work as an unified army across the city for the betterment of the city. City Women is about mobilising women from different denominations as well as engaging businesses and other community groups to work collaboratively in meeting the real needs of the city, particularly women and girls.



City Women endeavours to educate about issues, trends and social injustices, acting as an umbrella for current existing community initiatives as well as being a launching pad for new initiatives building positive solution for real needs.



City Women is a catalyst for positive change. It is committed to and relentless about seeing change not only for the individual but also for the well-being of the whole community. By actively meeting the real needs and empowering the individual, we achieve a domino effect of shaping the next generation.

A Message from The CEO

Letitia Shelton
CEO, Author, Speaker.


Back in 2001, the Mayor of Toowoomba at that time was Di Thorley. Di was invited to speak at a Christian women’s event where she challenged the women who attended that they do great things inside their church, but why don’t they get out and do something for the young people of Toowoomba.

With this challenge we started running camps for teen girls. Out of this Girls Getaway was birthed, taking girls from our local highschools away for a weekend of fun and love. Our eyes were opened to the need in our city and just how broken so many lives were. We realised that as churches we needed to work together to impact our city of Toowoomba, that it takes a citywide church to win a city wide battle. In 2005 City Women began with just 6 partnerships that were in some way reaching out to women & girls.

Today we have 15 partners, with over 200 volunteers from many different churches, working together to bring healing, hope & redemption to so many in our city.

Ministries run over the last 10 years

Women & girls helped & impacted



Get Involved

Send an email to
to receive weekly prayer points. 

City Women and its different partners thrive on volunteer support. There are many volunteer positions available that provide a hands-on experience in bringing lasting transformation in the lives of girls and women and to the city at large.

Simply apply below & one of our friendly team will get back to you.

Apply Here

The process of including city women in your will is straightforward. If desired, you can even nominate how you would like your gift to be used.

City Women is a non-government funded charity.  We rely heavily on the generosity of churches, businesses and the general public. If you would like to hold a fundraiser to help support the work of City Women, please email admin@citywomen.com.au for ideas or run with your own fun ideas.

The sky is the limit!


What can we do for you?

+61 494 362 738

2 Lawrence St
PO Box 2216
Toowoomba Qld 4350


ABN: 97 620 084 782 – One Heart Australia