The Grace Homestead Recovery Centre is a residential drug & alcohol rehabilitation and domestic violence support program for mothers with children in their care. Domestic and Family Violence, and addiction are the primary causes of family breakdown and children...
We have a great opportunity in the State of Queensland to bring a SOLUTION to hundreds of girls needing to recover from addiction and other life-controlling issues. Teen Challenge Queensland is currently designed for young women recovering from the effects of alcohol...
Safe Haven Community provides earlier intervention pathways, allowing people to escape abusive relationships before they escalate to physical violence. WHAT WE DO: We offer fully supported, community-based temporary accommodation for women at risk of domestic abuse....
Toowoomba, Dalby & Kingaroy now have a pregnancy and early parenting support service. Eva’s Place offers support for pregnant and early parenting women. Right from the moment a young women suspects she may be pregnant to the end of the first year after the birth...
Bella Girl & Bella Girl Junior are an 8-10 week course teaching girls about their value, beauty and purpose. Sessions include, “The Value of a Girl”, “Healthy Thinking”, “Friendships”, “The Power of Music” and much,...